Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Evan + Jonathan
Wild Basin Lodge | Allenspark, Colorado

I met Evan and Jonathan last summer at Meg and Jeff's wedding in Colorado. Being able to hang out with everyone again was definitely one of the highlights of the year for me. Even though the plans for an outside ceremony were rained out, the weather brought a beautiful snowy night with everyone snuggling by the fire. I can't wait to see my friends again next year at Ryan and Helena's wedding in Idaho.

The slideshow from their day can be found here.


STEVE DePINO said...

Wow love that snow shot! Great stuff

JAGstudios said...

yo! b... looks awesome, killer snow shot and love that guy dancing! see you soon!?!

shawna noel said...

Hooray for snow! That shot is just gorgeous!

Mark Kuroda said...

Wow, the snow shot is iconic! Great work Ben. Brilliant to pop the flash there!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly... the snow shot is AMAZING!!!